Minggu, 18 September 2011

Folktale and Folklore

I'd just discussed to my student about what Folklore is, and I try to found out why there's the word folklore and why there's Folktale. Then I found that actually Folklore is a synonym of Folktale itself, they have the similar. As what I've read in www.artikata.com Folktale or Folklore is a tale circulated by word of mouth among the common folk. Or in Indonesian definition is cerita yang beredar dari mulut ke mulut di kalangan rakyat biasa. If we separate them in a word and we take a conclusion of that words, we can say that folklore or folktale is a lore/ tale (cerita) which is belong to the folk (rakyat).
Every country has their own folklore/ folktale which is told among the people and they sometimes become such a legend and it's retold again and again until today. One of Japanese folktale which is famous all over the world and often be heard not only in Japan but also in another country is  
Little Peachling or the it usually called as Momotaro. Whether the Korean Folktale which I know is Gumiho or Nine Tailed Fox (as it's made a Drama that I've made the synopsis before :-)). And an Indonesian folktales/ folklore that we know are various, that stories accompany us since we were young and our parents usually told them to us before we go to bed at night. They are Malin Kundang, The Legend of Banyuwangi, Sangkuriang, etc.
While, the American have also their folklore, the tale which is spread around American people and most of them have been made in such a box office are Bigfoot, Bloody Mary, etc. That story is told about the urban legend of American people. Besides the stories mentioned above, there are many folklore/ folktales found in every country in the world in they enriching the traditional stories of the world.



Surprised? Shocked? Pastinya cuma surprise saja kan, nggak mungkin sampai shock. What do you think about my new blog performance, isn't it pretty? Ya, dua hari ini lagi seneng-senengnya memperbaiki blog biar nggak terlihat polos 'n biasa-biasa saja. Dan begitulah hasilnya, saya harap tidak terlalu mengecewakan, karena memang tujuan utamanya untuk memanjakan mata semua yang membaca blog ini, atau yang biasa membuka blog ini (ke ge er an dikit gak papa kan?). Hal ini juga dimaksuddkan agar tidak terlalu membosankan dengan template yang kemarin-kemarin saja. Kalau menurut pemiliknya sih, tampilan blog baru ini jauh lebih bagus dan indah dibanding tampilan yang sebelumnya, tapi semuanya kembali kepada si pembaca masing-masing, karena setiap orang punya pendapatnya sendiri. Tapi intinya adalah untuk kesenangan sendiri dan para pembaca setianya, terima kasih.
Sekalian uacapan terima kasih buat yang suka membuka atau yang menyukai blog ini. Jangan lupa, yuk pada follow dong ke blog ini, insyaallah nantinya akan lebih banyak update-update lain yang lebih bermanfaat. Dan jangan lupa ditunggu pula komentar-komentarnya ya......
