Sabtu, 07 Mei 2011


Sometimes we do not really understand to the wears that wear everyday, what kind of clothes is this and what story behind. However, that's all right, not all of us should know many kinds of thing that we wear. Eventually, we shouldn't always answer what kind of clothing we wear. But to know something we don't know would be better for us. This is only to increase our knowledge of something. And that would be better for us who like to be the icon of fashion around us could understand and could answer what kind of wears that we wear.

Sweater as we know, is a kind of clothing which made of wool, but don't you know that sweater can be divided in to two things? They are Cardigan and Pullover.
What is Cardigan? Cardigan is a wool knitted clothing which can be made by hand of even machine. Cardigan is opened in the front side, and it's also adorned with button or zipper to close it, cardigan can be wore both men or women. Need you to know that the founder of Cardigan ins James Brudenell which has the tittle of Earl of Cardigan.
The other form of Sweater is Pullover. Pullover is also wool knitted clothing, but it's not opened in front, it's totally covered. Pullover can also be wore by men or women, but it's mostly wore by men.

Blazer almost close to formal suit which usually use to work, if the suit has the formal cut, whether blazer isn't. Blazer is a kind of jacket but in an informal cut. This kind of clothing are usually wore as a uniform in some school, because the informal design make it suitable to the teenagers.

Coat. Coat is the long jacket which usually use to prevent the body from cold or even to make the user seems fashionable by wearing that kind of clothing. Like Cardigan, Coat is also opened in front side, it has the zipper or sometimes button, but coat isn't made from wool and it's usually completed with belt in the waist side. It also has a collar and strap in both of the shoulder.

Camisole or Cami made of satin, nylon or cotton. It's shaped fit to the body and it usually has the thin rope to round the shoulder or even not. It used to be wore inside of the main clothing, but now people can be opened to wear this kind without any dress outside.

Tunic is a wide clothing which sometimes has sleeve or hasn't. This clothing covers all entire of the body and in Indonesia today, the Moslem women use this to complete their appearance, because this kind of clothing is very suitable to wear to people who doesn't like to show their body openly.
This clothing at the first time is wore by an ancient Rome and ancient Greece. The word Tunic itself derived from Rome word Tunica. The length of tunic is various, they can be as long as our knee or sometimes until the heel. In ancient Rome the sleeveless tunic can be called colobium.

That's a glance knowledge of clothing that we know around us, hopefully this would help you to be more understood about what clothing is. In another occasion I'll try to add more.


Do you know this kind of fashion?
How do you usually call this kind of shirt? Orang-orang di seluruh dunia mengenlanya sebagai Poncho, kendatipun jenis pakaian seperti ini sudah dikenal selama beratus-ratus tahun lamanya tetapi hingga kini masih banyak yang memakainya sebatas untuk menghindari dari rasa dingin ataupun untuk bergaya.
Saat ini setelah Poncho menjadi trend kembali setelah sekian lama, banyak para designer terkenal yang memberikan label design-nya pada jenis pakaian ini dan menjadikannya sebagai konsumsi para masyarakat kelas atas, sehingga kemudian menghargainya dengan harga setinggi-tingginya. Seperti gambar diatas, Poncho tersebut adalah salah satu Poncho yang di label dengan merek Dolce and Gabbana yang terkenal.

Hal ini tidak sebanding dengan asal muasal Poncho itu sendiri yang hanya terbuat dari kulit kayu, kulit binantang dan pohon-pohonan.
Poncho itself, pertama kali dikenal oleh bangsa asli Amerika yaitu bangsa Indian tepatnya bagian Mexico dan Peru-Indian.
Pada dasarnya model Poncho ini sendiri tidaklah pernah berubah dari awal pembuatannya sekian ratus tahun yang lalu hingga kini, potongan baju ini sendiri hanya berbentuk persegi panjang yang kemudian di lubangi bagian tengahnya sehingga kepala bisa masuk ke dalamnya, sementara bagian samping kiri dan kananya tidak dijahit dan dibiarkan menjuntai begitu saja. Jenis pakaian ini adalah jenis pakaian atasan yang dulunya berguna untuk melindungi tubuh bagian atas dari udara dingin.

Seiring dengan perkembangan jaman, kain yang digunakkan untuk membuat Poncho-pun mengalami perkembangan yang semakin signifikan, kainnya pun bertransformasi dari kain yang dulunya hanya terbuat dari kulit kayu ataupun binatang kemudian diperhalus dengan menggunakan jenis kain wol ataupun kain tenun sebagai bahannya.
Kemudian dari motif yang khas Indian kuno kemudian berkembang menjadi motif-motif yang lebih beragam atau bahkan sebagian orang menyukai yang tanpa menggunakan motif sama sekali. Dari yang berwarna mencolok sehingga kini menjadi warna-warna soft seperti putih, creme, ataupun hitam, juga tidak menutup kemungkinan untuk warna-warna yang lain.

Itulah sekilas tentang perjalanan Poncho dari masa ke masa. Semoga dengan tulisan ini kita kemudian tidak menjadi orang yang hanya senang 'memakai' tetapi kita sedikit banyak juga tahu tentang sejarah di balik semua itu.