- EXPOSITION (Hortatory Exposition and Analytical Exposition)
Purpose/ Social Function: to retell events for the purpose of informing or entertaining. Events are usually arranged in a temporal sequence.
Generic Structure:
- Orientation (Provides the setting and introduces participants)
- Event (Tells what happened, in what sequence)
- Re-Orientation (Optional - closure of events)
- Focus on specific/ individual participants.
- Use of Simple Past Tense.
- Circumstances of time and place.
- Focus on a temporal sequence of events.
- Use of material process.
Purpose/ Social Function: to describe how something is accomplished through a sequence of actions or steps.
Generic Structure:
- Goal.
- Material (not required for all Procedural texts)
- Steps.
- Focus on generalized human agents.
- Use of Simple Present Tense (plus sometimes imperative).
- Use of mainly temporal conjunctions (or numbering to indicate sequence).
- Use of mainly material (action) clauses or material processes.
Purpose/ Social Function: to describe a particular person, place or thing.
Generic Structure:
- Identification (identifies phenomenon to be described).
- Description (describes part, qualities, characteristics)
- Focus on specific participants.
- Use of attributive and identifying processes.
- Frequent use of Epithets and Classification in nominal groups.
- Use of Simple Present Tense
Purpose/ Social Function: to describe the way things are, with reference to a range of natural, cultural (man-made) and social phenomena in our environment.
Generic Structure:
- General Classification (tells what the phenomenon under discussion is)
- Description (tells what the phenomenon under discussion is like in terms of: parts, qualities, habits/ behavior or 'uses' if non-natural).
- Focus on Generic Participants (group of things)
- Use of Simple Present Tense
- No temporal sequence
- Use of 'being' and 'having' clause.
Purpose/ Social Function: to amuse, entertain and to deal with problematic events which lead to a crisis or turning point of some kind, which in turn finds a resolution.
Generic Structure:
- Orientation (sets the scene and introduces the participants)
- Evaluation (a stepping back to evaluate the plight)
- Complication (a crisis arises)
- Resolution (the crisis is resolved, for better or for worse)
- Re-Orientation (Optional)
Language Feature:
- Focus on specific and usually individualized participants.
- Use Material Processes
- Use of Relational Processes and Mental Processes.
- Use of temporal conjunction and temporal circumstances.
- Use of Past Tense
Purpose/ Social Function: to explain the factual things to explain processes or evolution which is happened to natural phenomenon or social phenomenon.
Generic Structure:
- A 'general statement' about what is to be explained - this stage is the statement of phenomenon.
- A 'series of events' known as the 'explanation sequence' - the events may be related according to time or cause or according to both relationship.
- A 'concluding statement' - this stage is optional.
Language Feature:
- Focus to a non-human discussion.
- Menggunakan Simple Present Tense.
- Use 'temporal dan causal conjunctive relations'.
- Use 'abstract nouns', seperti 'temperature, heat' dsb.
- Use Passive Voice.
Exposition can be divided into two, they are: Hortatory Exposition and Analytical Exposition.
Purpose/ Social Function: to reveal the arguments which can be agree or not agree of some case.
Generic Structure of Analytical Exposition:
- Thesis (position and preview).
- Argument (point and elaboration)
- Reiteration (restatement of thesis)
- Thesis (position and preview).
- Argument (point and elaboration)
- Recomendation.
- Focus to a general discussion (human and non human)
- Use Simple Present Tense.
- Use logical 'conjunctive relations' dari pada 'temporal'.
- Use the general noun.
- Use 'thinking verbs'
- Use 'connectives'
Purpose/ Social Function: to inform about some controversial things and give an argument from the agree side or from the opposites.
Generic Structure:
- Issue (statement of Issue, and Preview)
- Argument For (Points and Elaboration)
- Arguments Against (Points and Elaboration)
- Recommendation (Summary/ conclusion)
Language Feature:
- Focus to a general discussion about human and non-human.
- Use Simple Present Tense.
- Use Logical Conjunctives'
- Use 'Thinking Verbs'.
- Use 'Adverbial Manner'.
That the Genres of the Text and the explanation of each text. So, can you make the differences and the similarities among them? I hope you can.
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